====================================================================== Title : H-ed Up Art Filename : Tiles014.art Author : High Priest Mikhal E-mail : HP_Mikhal@hotmail.com (no flames) Web Page : www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/5056/index.htm Misc. Author Info : I'm a real priest, but not a Christian or cult priest for those wondering. Other Levels : N/A Description : A tile containing MUCHO hentai, even a few movies. Additional Credits To : Grendel from Everything Anime for four of the GIFs used to make some of the movies, and all those who post anime'. ====================================================================== * Construction * Base : New tile from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : N/A Art Editor(s) Used : Editart Construction Time : Three hours Known Bugs/Problems : None have yet been found, e-mail any bugs you find so I can fix them if possible. * Where to get this file * File location : Check my URL, as of now the US West strike in my home state has rendered my upload over anything other than e-mail nil. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : For newbies, simply place this in your Duke Nukem directory. Important Notes : This tile, for those who have no idea what hentai is, contains erotic anime' and should not be downloaded by minors. I will not accept responsibility for consequences of downloading this file. This is only the beta version, and another with more still images and possibly more movies will be up soon. In the meantime, if you have GIF files that were originally GIFs (check with a thumbnail viewer like ACDsee (http://www.acdsee.com) to make sure, if it doesn't display then it got changed somewhere along the line and won't display in EDITART) send them to me. Uncensored if hentai, and color for everything. ======================================================================